Locations & Channels
Locations and channels
Location is the activated Camlytics Service desktop application that connects directly to your IP/web cameras.
The upper block on the Locations & Channels page displays information about the number of available and used channels, as well as the number of paid and used extra storage units in accordance with your subscription.
Below you will see the list of your locations together with their connection status and each channel (camera) status - online or offline. You will also see the active Camlytics Service version on each location and the timezone.
Clicking on a location will reveal more details.
In the Location information block, you can see the status of your location (online, offline).
To rename your location, click on the pencil button, enter the new title in the Location name field and click the Update button.
To remove a location, click the pencil button, then click the Remove location button located in the right corner. Removing a location is possible after 5 days of location creation.
Channel is a camera connected to your Camlytics Service desktop application.
Active channels are cameras currently streaming in your locations. Active channel does not ensure that statistics is collected on it (the channel must be enabled to collect statistics). "Active" only means that corresponding camera is connected to your location.
Removed channels are cameras that were previously active but were deleted afterwards. As soon as the statistics on removed channels expires, the channels will be deleted from your location permanently.
To get more information on your channel, click on it.
Information is divided into the following tabs:
Status - shows the status of the channel (enabled/disabled), on/off controls, time of last event, last histogram and last heatmap. The time status color (green/yellow/red) allows to check the communication status between the cloud and channel physical location.
Storage - shows the storage period of data for this channel, including the number of extra storage units; there are also buttons for adding/removing extra storage units.
Event triggers - shows lists of event triggers configured on the channel in the desktop application calibration.
Active triggers are triggers that are currently configured on the channel; removed are the triggers previously used on this channel.
Enable/Disable channel
To start collecting data in the cloud, you need to enable the desired channel. You can only enable the channel if you have enough available channels in your subscription.
Data is not collected for a disabled channel.
To enable a channel, open the card of the desired channel, and click the Enable button on the Status tab.
Disabling a channel is performed in the same way by pressing the Disable button.
Be careful! If the channel has extra storage units, they are also removed when the channel is turned off, and the data older than 3 months on this channel will be removed.
If you have just one active channel subscription and you want to switch the channel for which this subscription is used, just disable the channel under a subscription and enable the desired channel.
Add/Remove extra storage units
An extra storage unit allows you to store your data in the cloud for a longer period.
When can this come in handy?
By default, all your statistics data is stored for 3 months. If you need to build statistics that compares current data with the data from the previous quarter or the previous year, you will need extra storage units.
For example, you have conducted an active advertising campaign for the past six months and want to compare your store’s traffic before, during and after the advertising campaign. To do this, you'd need the data for at least the last year.
You can add one or more additional storage units to the desired channel. Each additional unit increases the storage period of your data by 3 months, i.e. with one extra storage unit, data on the channel will be stored for 6 months, with two for 9 months, etc.
To add an extra storage unit, open the card of the desired channel and click the Add button on the Storage tab. To delete an extra storage unit, on the Storage tab, click the Remove button.
If you want to move your purchased storage unit to another channel, just remove it from one channel and add it to another.
Attention! After deleting extra storage units, all your statistics older than 3 months will be deleted permanently without the possibility of recovery.