Other IP camera URL

Setup your Other IP camera

There are two connection options in Camlytics smart camera software for Windows PC to login and view your Other IP camera. Those are automatic discovery (you'll see your camera in our software) and manual discovery (without camera website).

If you cannot find your Other CCTV camera in the left section or it isn't working with Camlytics software app, click "Manual" in Discovery section to setup your Other cameras with direct RTSP or HTTP stream URL. If you could not connect your camera, please refer to the documentation

Other compatible software

You can connect Other to Camlytics to add the following video analytics capabilities to your camera:

Model Protocol Path Port
Other http:// Jpeg/CamImg.jpg 80
Other http:// snapshot.jpg?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&strm=[CHANNEL] 80
Other http:// image.jpg 80
Other http:// cgi-bin/net_jpeg.cgi?ch=[CHANNEL] 80
Other http:// snapshot/view[CHANNEL].jpg 80
Other http:// tmpfs/auto.jpg 80
Other http:// current[CHANNEL].jpg 80
Other http:// cgi/mjpg/mjpeg.cgi 80
Other http:// cgi-bin/video.jpg?cam=[CHANNEL]&quality=3&size=2 80
Other http:// videostream.cgi? 80
Other http:// axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi 80
Other http:// video?profile=[CHANNEL] 80
Other http:// video.cgi?resolution=VGA 80
Other http:// image.cgi?type=motion&camera=[CHANNEL] 80
Other http:// image.cgi?type=motion 80
Other http:// GetData.cgi?Status=false 80
Other http:// video?submenu=mjpg 80
Other http:// user/videostream.cgi 80
Other http:// ?action=stream 80
Other http:// cgi-bin/view.cgi?chn=[CHANNEL]&u=[USERNAME]&p=[PASSWORD] 80
Other rtsp:// live.sdp 554
Other rtsp:// /live/h264 554
Other rtsp:// cam/realmonitor?channel=[CHANNEL]&subtype=00 554
Other rtsp:// cam1/mpeg4?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 554
Other http:// /iphone/11?[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]& 80
Other http:// /control/faststream.jpg?stream=MxPEG&needlength&fps=6 80
Other rtsp:// cam[CHANNEL]/mpeg4 554
Other rtsp:// live/mpeg4 554
Other rtsp:// MediaInput/mpeg4 554
Other rtsp:// mpeg4cif 554
Other rtsp:// media/media.amp 554
Other rtsp:// [CHANNEL]/[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]/main 554
Other http:// snapshot.cgi?camera=[CHANNEL] 80
Other http:// mjpeg.cgi?user=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&channel=[CHANNEL] 80
Other http:// img/snapshot.cgi?size=3 80
Other http:// out.jpg?id=0.5 80
Other http:// cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?chn=[CHANNEL]&u=[USERNAME]&p=[PASSWORD] 80
Other http:// axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?camera=[CHANNEL] 80
Other http:// img/video.mjpeg 80
Other rtsp:// /11 554
Other PTZ http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
ptz http:// tmpfs/auto.jpg 80
PTZ rtsp:// mpeg4 554
Raspberry Pi http:// videostream.asf?usr=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
RASPBERRY PI http:// ?action=stream 80
RTSP rtsp:// 554
SAP http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
soft http:// video?submenu=mjpg 80
TS-IP601W http:// vdata.v 80
xhc1-se http:// img/snapshot.cgi?size=2 80
Yawcam http:// out.jpg?id=0.5 80
Yawcam http:// video.mjpg 80
Zio http:// videofeed 80
C8001DN2 http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=[WIDTH]*[HEIGHT] 80
ONVIF1 http:// axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi 80
Other rtsp:// /h264_stream 554
Other http:// mjpeg 80
Other http:// snapshot 80
Other rtsp:// /tcp/av0_1 10554
Other http:// videostream.cgi?rate=0&user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 81
002fnlk http:// /?action=stream 8090
1.3mp http:// /snapshot.jpg?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&strm=0 80
1020 rtsp:// /11 554
1114 rtsp:// /11 554
2130 http:// /?action=stream 80
2366 mms:// /img/video.asf 554
2M Box Camera http:// /?action=stream 80
33-S http:// /?action=stream 80
3gx http:// /img/video.mjpeg 8080
50X20-SWBG rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=1_stream=0.sdp 554
5mp WIFI Camera rtsp:// /mpeg4 554
7033-N rtsp:// /11 554
822a rtsp:// /11 554
8526 mms:// /img/video.asf 554
8812T-WF rtsp:// /11 554
A2i rtsp:// /1 554
A8B rtsp:// /11 554
a90 http:// /img/video.mjpeg 80
a90 http:// / 80
ABQ-A8 rtsp:// /11 554
ABQ-A8 http:// /videofeed 80
active cam rtsp:// /11 554
adc-v521ir http:// /videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=320*240 8080
ADC-VC826 rtsp:// / 554
advision http:// /image.jpg 80
ai08 http:// /?action=stream 80
anran http:// /videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=320*240 80
auto focus http:// /?action=stream 80
AWC03F http:// /control/faststream.jpg?stream=MxPEG&needlength&fps=6 80
BE2028 http:// /videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=320*240 4747
Blue 2 rtsp:// /11 554
BOLVISION rtsp:// /11 554
BR421 mms:// /img/video.asf 37777
BU-E580 rtsp:// /11 554
BU-E580 rtsp:// /1 554
bullet rtsp:// /11 554
C-110 mms:// /img/video.asf 554
C-110 http:// /?action=stream 80

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Other manufacturers starting with O

All manufacturers

Camlytics has no affiliation, connection, or association with Other products. The connection links can be incomplete, inaccurate or both. We provide no warranty that you will successfully connect using these URLs or that Other products are compatible with Camlytics.