Supra Space IP camera URL

Setup your Supra Space IP camera

There are two connection options in Camlytics smart camera software for Windows PC to login and view your Supra Space IP camera. Those are automatic discovery (you'll see your camera in our software) and manual discovery (without camera website).

If you cannot find your Supra Space CCTV camera in the left section or it isn't working with Camlytics software app, click "Manual" in Discovery section to setup your Supra Space cameras with direct RTSP or HTTP stream URL.

Supra Space compatible software

You can connect Supra Space to Camlytics to add the following video analytics capabilities to your camera:

  • people counter
  • customer counter
  • car & vehicle counting
  • calculate speed
  • occupancy monitoring
  • retail store traffic counter
  • motion detection & alerts
  • tailgating security
Model Protocol Path Port
10-AC http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
1-PC1 http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
IP-2 http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
ipc http:// videostream.asf?usr=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
IPC http:// videostream.cgi?user=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC http:// videostream.cgi? 80
IPC 10AC rtsp:// /Streaming/Channels/1 554
IPC 10AC http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-10-ac http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
IPC-10AC http:// videostream.cgi?user=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-10AC http:// videostream.cgi?rate=0&user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-10AC http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=[WIDTH]x[HEIGHT] 80
IPC-10AC http:// videostream.asf?usr=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-10AC http:// videostream.asf 80
IPC-10AC http:// videostream.cgi 80
IPC-1 http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-1 http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
IPC-1 http:// videostream.asf 80
IPC-1 http:// videostream.asf?usr=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-1 http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=32&rate=0 80
IPC-1 http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=[WIDTH]x[HEIGHT] 80
IPC-1 http:// video.cgi?resolution=VGA 80
IPC-1 http:// videostream.cgi 80
IPC-1 http:// videostream.cgi?rate=0&user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-1 http:// snapshot.cgi?usr=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-100 http:// snapshot.cgi?usr=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
ipc-100ac http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=[WIDTH]*[HEIGHT] 80
IPC-100ac http:// videostream.cgi?rate=11 80
IPC-100AC http:// videostream.asf?usr=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-100AC http:// snapshot.jpg 80
IPC-100AC http:// videostream.asf 80
IPC-100AC http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=32&rate=0 80
IPC-100AC http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
IPC-100AC http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-100AC http:// videostream.cgi?rate=0&user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-10A http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
IPC-10A http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-1A http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
IPC-1A http:// videostream.asf 80
IPC-1A http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=32&rate=0 80
IPC-1A http:// video.cgi?resolution=[WIDTH]x[HEIGHT] 80
IPC-1A http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-1A http:// snapshot.jpg?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-1A http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=[WIDTH]*[HEIGHT] 80
IPC-2 http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
IPC-20 http:// videostream.asf?usr=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-20 http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=[WIDTH]*[HEIGHT] 80
ipc-20c http:// videostream.cgi?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
ipc-20c http:// videostream.cgi?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=32&rate=0 80
IPC-20c http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
IPC-20C http:// videostream.cgi 80
Other http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
Other http:// videostream.asf 80
Other http:// snapshot.cgi 80
Other http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
Other http:// cgi-bin/view.cgi?chn=[CHANNEL]&u=[USERNAME]&p=[PASSWORD] 80
Other1 http:// videostream.cgi?rate=0&user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
SP1 http:// videostream.asf?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]&resolution=64&rate=0 80
IPC 20C http:// snapshot.cgi?usr=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
supra ipc http:// videostream.cgi?rate=0&user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 81
IPC25 http:// videostream.cgi?user=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD] 80
IPC-100 http:// /desktop/index_framed.htm 80
IPC-100 HD http:// /snapshot.cgi 80

Other manufacturers starting with S

S S3vc Saance Sab Sacam Saewit Safecam Safehome Safer Safesky Cn Safire Samsung Sanan-cctv Sancee Sanetron Sangane Sannce Santachi Santec-video Sanzio Saocom Saphire Sapsan Saqicam Sarmatt Sarotech Sas Digital Satvision Savitmicro Savvypixel Scada Technology Scout Cctv Scs Scsi Scv3 Scw Sdc Sdeter Sea Wit Secam Cctv Sectec Secu Bb Entrance Secu First Secueasy Seculink Secuplug Secur Eye Securecam Securicom Tunisie Security Security Cam Security Camera 2000 Security Camera Warehouse Security Labs Securitytronix Securix Seecam Seecom Seenergy Seetong Sefica Seif Seimem Seisa Seisatek Semac Senao Sensormatic Sentient Sentient Pro Sentry 360 Sentul Sepcam Sequrecam Serage Serang Sercam Sercomm Serioux Serrcom Sertek Ses Sesco Security Seteye Setik Shamim Shany Sharx Security Shenwhen Neo Electronic Co Shenzhen Shenzhen Toptech Shieldeye Shindai Shinsoft Co Shixin Shixin China Short Short 8ch Nvr Showtec Sibel Sibo Siemens Siepem Sightlogix Sigma Electronics Signet Sikvio Silent Sentinel Silicon Labs Simi Ip Camera Viewer Sineoji Sinocam Siqura Sircom Siricom Sitecom Skilleye Skjm Sklad Skvision Sky Genious Skylink Skyreo Skytronic Skyview Skyvision Skyway Security Sline Smallcell Smanos Smart Smart Home Smart Industry Smart Security Smartcam Smartec Smartek Smarteye Smartiscam Smartsecurity Smarttec Smarttek Smartview Smartwares Smartz Smax Smc Smonet Smtsec Smvi Sn Ipc Snapav Soar Soho Solar Ip Camera Soleratec Solwise Sony Soospy Spacetronik Sparklan Speco Sperado Cctv Spider Spigen Sprint Cctv Spy Cameras Spyclops Spytech Spytecinc Sricam Sricctv Sst St (spacetechnology) Stanley Star Vedia Starcam Stardot Tech Starlight Start Vision Starvedia Stipelectronics St-nt280e1 Storage Options Storex Storm Strongshine Styco Suba Summvision Sumpple Sumvision Sunba Sunbio Suncomm Sundari Sunell Security Suneyes Sunivision Sunkwang Sunluxy Sunnylux Sunsom Suntek Sunvision Us Sunywo Super Focus Supera Supercircuits Supervision Supra Space Supvin Surcomm Surecom Sure-eye Surip Cam Surveon Surway Technology Surya-net Sv3c Svat Svb International Svbc Sve3 Svision Co S-vison Swann Sweex Swnhd-800cam Sygonix Synshore Syny-snc Syokudou Syscom Cctv Systemmax Szneo Szsinocam Scallop Imaging SecuRex Seyeon Tech - FlexWATCH Sharx StarDot StoreNet Super Circuits SURIP Samgane Saxxon Seccam Securi Pro Seesoon Sgs Shenzhen Tong Bo Wei Siricam Smart Hd Wifi Camera Smart Pixel Solarcam Spydroid Srihome Sspc Stem Surveilist Sv3p Svc3 Svip-432 Sw360 Sy2l Safevant Sanyo Scancam Sentryview Sigmatel Silvus Sk Tel Skone Smart Cloud Camera Smartfrog Smtkey Soggi Sonoff Steren Stuart Cam Sucjar Sucura Networks Supereye Superspring Sv-b0w-720p-hx Syneye SStech Sansco Sartek Sawyobi Secur360 Securia Pro Secuvision Secvision Selea Septekon Simshine Sisview Smar Smart Zoom Smart380 Smartguard Smartvision Smp Solosecurity Soohao Sotion Soullife Sozo Space Technology Spc Spycam Sq11 Stabo Stalwall Sudvision Svec S.Vision Svplus Swibe Systoda SAYUS Schlage Sichuan Simicam Sinovision Skyfield StarIR Symynelec Seedary Shiwojia Sionyx Sjet Smart Net Camera Spotcam Squira Starvision Steinel Strawberry St-team

All manufacturers

Camlytics has no affiliation, connection, or association with Supra Space products. The connection links can be incomplete, inaccurate or both. We provide no warranty that you will successfully connect using these URLs or that Supra Space products are compatible with Camlytics.