icsee IP camera URL

Setup your icsee IP camera

There are two connection options in Camlytics smart camera software for Windows PC to login and view your icsee IP camera. Those are automatic discovery (you'll see your camera in our software) and manual discovery (without camera website).

If you cannot find your icsee CCTV camera in the left section or it isn't working with Camlytics software app, click "Manual" in Discovery section to setup your icsee cameras with direct RTSP or HTTP stream URL. If you could not connect your camera, please refer to the documentation

icsee compatible software

You can connect icsee to Camlytics to add the following video analytics capabilities to your camera:

Model Protocol Path Port
1020 rtsp:// /onvif1 554
2019 rtsp:// /live/ch00_0 554
5MP rtsp:// /h264_stream 554
A8B rtsp:// /11 554
A8B rtsp:// /onvif1 554
A8B rtsp:// /live/ch00_0 554
B13-L-V2 rtsp:// /live/ch00_0 554
DATA rtsp:// /11 5544
f001 rtsp:// / 554
Other rtsp:// /11 5544
Other rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=1.sdp 554
Other rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=1_stream=1.sdp?real_stream 554
Other rtsp:// live/ch00_0 5544
PTZ rtsp:// /11 5544
R80X20-PQ rtsp:// /11 554
R80X20-PQ rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=1.sdp 554
R80X20-PQL rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=0.sdp?real_stream 554
R80X30-PQL rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]&channel=0&stream=1.sdp 554
R80X30-PQL rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=1_stream=1.sdp 554
ras50 http:// /video?profile=0 80
RC1080 rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=1.sdp 554
rf50x20 rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=1.sdp 554
Wifi Smart Camera rtsp:// /live/ch00_0 554
Wish Model rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=1.sdp 554
Wish order rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=1_stream=1.sdp 554
x5103 rtsp:// /11 554
XM530_50X20-WGH_8M rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=1_stream=1.sdp?real_stream 554
pt11 rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=1.sdp 554
Other rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]&channel=0&stream=1.sdp 554
PTZ rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=1.sdp 554
st-393-5M-ic rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=1_stream=0.sdp 554
ST-393-5M-IC rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=1_stream=1.sdp 554
R80X20-PQ rtsp:// /onvif1 554
WIFI SMART CAMERA rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=0.sdp?real_stream 554
RX50X20 rtsp:// /live/ch00_0 554
GK7205V200 rtsp:// /onvif1 554
XM530_RH50X20_8M rtsp:// /onvif1 554
R80X50-PQL rtsp:// /onvif1 554
A8H rtsp:// /onvif1 554
53X13_SWL_S rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=0.sdp?real_stream 554
53X13_SWL_S rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=0.sdp 554
lah-a6 rtsp:// /h264_stream 554
XM03-8MP rtsp:// /11 554
456 rtsp:// / 554
4MP rtsp:// /onvif1 554
5mp rtsp:// /11 5544
852 rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=1.sdp 554
A8B rtsp:// /stream_0 554
Bulbcam rtsp:// / 554
GCC-AC-068 rtsp:// /onvif1 554
gk7205v rtsp:// /11 5544
gk7205V300 rtsp:// /h264_stream 554
icsee1 rtsp:// /h264_stream 554
ipc_gk rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=1_stream=1.sdp?real_stream 554
MX31 rtsp:// /11 554
Other rtsp:// /11 554
Other rtsp:// /h264_stream 554
Other rtsp:// /onvif1 554
p3s-4mp-eu rtsp:// /h264_stream 554
Particular rtsp:// /onvif1 554
PELCOD rtsp:// /11 554
R80X30-PQL rtsp:// /h264_stream 554
R80X50-PQL rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=1.sdp 554
R80X50-PQL rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=0_stream=0.sdp?real_stream 554
R80X50-PQL rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=1_stream=1.sdp?real_stream 554
R80XD50-PQ rtsp:// /onvif1 554
RH50X20 rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=1_stream=0.sdp 554
RH50X20 rtsp:// /onvif1 554
RH60X20 rtsp:// /user=[USERNAME]_password=[PASSWORD]_channel=1_stream=0.sdp 554
RX50X30 rtsp:// /onvif1 554
Wifi Smart Camera rtsp:// /onvif1 554
XM05S rtsp:// /h264_stream 554
XM530_50X20-WGH_8M rtsp:// /onvif1 554
XM530_RH50X20_8M rtsp:// /live/ch00_0 554

Other manufacturers starting with I

I i ball I Can See i/o data I30vd i3DVR I591b6f iBaby Ibcam iBrido Ic Realtime Ic Realtimes Icam iCam+ icamera icami Icamview iCan Icantek iCatch iclear Icloudcam iCMS Icom iconnect iControl icp iCraig Icrealtime Ics icybox ideanext Identivision Idis Idis Global Idt Idview iDVR Iegeek Ie-link-0 Iernut 2 Iflux Igeek iGET Igm Iguard iipc Ikegami Ikonic Ildvr iLink Illustra illustra 610 Imagiatek Imaginon Imago Ime3122-admnq39 imege Img Imieye iminicam i-mobile Imogen imotion Imporx Impulse Ims200 Imx290 Inaxsys Inc incoSKY Indexa Indigo Indkoersel Inesun iNextPro infeon Infinity Infinova Infocus infotech Infra Cam Ing ingrasys Ingresso Inisoft-cam inkom living Inkomhal Inkovideo Innekt Inngang Innmat Innovatek Innovative Security Designs Innovo Inpotek Inscape inscapedata Inside Insma inspire Instar Instek Digital insteon Insun Insys Intamac Intelbras Intelkam Intelli intelligent Intelligent Network Intelligent Network Cube Intellinet Intellio Intellsec Interllinet Interlogix Interna Internet Eye Interno Intervision Intex Invid Io Data ioGear ion ionodes iOS ioteoCam ip 1000 Ip Buiten Ip Chitchat Ip Power Ip Pro Tech Ip Video ip wamato Ip Webcam Ip Webcam (android) Ip Webcam Pro Ip_cam_inspector Ip112 Ip-300ptw Ip3393pv2 Ip400 Ip-402b Ip4112poe ip633 Ip66 Ip6795p iPad IPCamera ipam iParkings Ipc Ipcam 2015 ipcam android ipcam central Ipcameros ipcam-oprit Ipc-bo Ipcc Ipcmontor Ipd2220es Ipdom-hz0102 ipela Ipeye Ipfd200 Ipfd201 Ipg Ipgah9oc2am7 ipgeek Iphdcam iPhone ipip Ipm-1z-20x-dn ipmart-design Ip-m-p836v Ipnawin7 Ipnc Ipnetcam Ipnz iPod ipod touch ipo-vf1mp-ir iPower Ipq1652x Ipq1658x Ipr31esx Ipr712m Ipr7424/8e Ipro Iprobot3 Ips Ips-21w Ipscam ipsmart Ip-speeddome Ip-t5201-f Ipteles Iptronic Iptz-h20xx Ipux Ipvd300 Ipvideo Ipwebcam App Ipx Iq Eye Iqinvision Iqr Ir Color Ip Camera ircam Irea Irgeek Iris Irlab irmas iroda Isabeau Isbsupport Isd Jaguar isecure iSEE iseetec Iseeu iShare Isit iSmart ismart gate ismartview iSmartViewPro iSnatch Isp iStream Itajto Italsistem iTech Its Itx Itx-security iueye iuk Iv9000 Ivcc Ivideon iView I-view Ivio ivision iWatch iWatch 8CH-ADVR i-Watcher Iwh-31ir Iwigus iwitness ixtrima Iz Touch iZett Izotech Iztouch IDS Impath Networks Icon i-Family in-2904 Ingenic-v01 Innotrends inomega Inqmega Ip Camera (android) Ip Phone Camera ip Wifi Ip302 Ipce Ipc-f10p Ipc-model Ipcoam Ipc-other iphone cam Ipixo ippcam Isotect icpe Imou Inno Vision Internal internec Ipbell Ipc360 Ipcam Ipcami Ivc icatchtek icsee Ingressosede Inosun intel Invidtech Ip Webcam App ipc 360 Ipc365 ipcom Ipd-c34y02-bs Iptronic2 iris rc8221 Ispy i-tronics i3international ICLP IP-Camera Ipega ivms ivue Iets

All manufacturers

Camlytics has no affiliation, connection, or association with icsee products. The connection links can be incomplete, inaccurate or both. We provide no warranty that you will successfully connect using these URLs or that icsee products are compatible with Camlytics.